"The Saccharine Underground is a brilliant debut record. It's a majestic record full-stop. Ten minutes ago I was laughing, five minutes ago I was crying...it's pulled together with great panache and sounds quite unlike anything else I can put my finger on right now" – I Said Yeah

"Insanely good melody and excellent songcraft...stuck in my head for hours" – Nialler9

"A nostalgia-inducing glam-pop romp" – The Skinny

“An adventurous, left-field songsmith” – Tom Robinson, BBC6 Music

“features some excellent wordplay, and the finest use of ’cucurbitaceous’ in a pop song in recent memory” – SNACK Magazine

"Vibing to Peter Cat's music is as effortless as the harmony in his tracks...The Saccharine Underground sounds and feels like it should be accompanied by a dance party attended by free spirits" – Frontrunner Magazine

"An intriguing blend of upbeat, art-school, glam rock pop songs with catchy choruses and a fun sense of humour" – Scotland on Sunday

"A jaunty trip through the familiarly twinned emotions of admiration and envy...sung at such a speed and with hardly a pause for breath that's reminiscent of early Scott Walker" – The Morning Star

"Irreverent and smart pop music in the mold of Neil Hannon, Jarvis Cocker, Luke Haines and a sprinkling of Scott Walker...Peter Cat casts a wry eye over the world, and is moved to make music to match" – Scots Whay Hae!
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